Monday, June 21, 2010

In the 1930’s Hollywood California was a mecca for those on their pilgrimage to stardom. With all those people, and all those mouths to feed, The Brown Derby restaurant found themselves as a mecca within a mecca. One night the owner of the Grauman Chinese Theater, Sid Grauman , showed up famished just as the chefs were closing up the kitchen. Not wanting to turn away a big wig, Chef Robert Cobb decided he could whip something up from scratch. A hand full of lettuce, a spoonful of almonds, feta cheese left over from the soup, corn from the bean salad and the list goes on. While licking the remnants from the plate,Sid Grauman praised his friend. Having anything but a small circle of influence Sid referred everyone to the Brown Derby for one of Chef Cobb’s salads. Now a-days you can have one almost anywhere you go, just as for the Cobb Salad.

Every person, every experience can add a new flavor to your fridge of life. Although chances are I will never produce a world famous combination from my fridge, I can certainly provide a refreshing combination produced by the people I meet and the experiences I live. Hence the blog.

My goal is to have 16 blind dates (yes, visually impaired are welcome to participate too) in a 2 month period. I am in no way trying to generate as many dates as I can for bragging rights. Rather, I see this as an opportunity to draw as much as possible from 16 completely different people. There are tremendous effects of our seemingly simple interactions, and can be seen as C.S Lewis defined “ everlasting horrors or eternal splendors.” Im going for the latter.


Julie Hunter said...

great. . . sooo great!

See Mom Smile said...

Wow! I aleady learned something new!! I love Cobb salad now it has a whole new meaning. Can't wait to hear about your dates.