Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Although this nation started things with a bang this weekend, a bang did not accompany the kick off event on Friday night. Well, I guess there was in a way a kick, but it was felt in the stomach of an unsuspecting victim of food poisoning! Bam!. as fate would have it, this was the same stomach that belonged to the first participant of my dating adventure.

Tina the Trooper (names have been named to protect identities), much to my delight agreed to schedule for a later date in both senses of the word.

I also wanted to take an opportunity to outline a little more about the content of the posts. I have decided to take my muse from the quote that states, " When you have a taste for exceptional people you always end up meeting them everywhere." - Pierre Mac Orlan

This is why I have the blog, to state the exceptional about everyone I meet.

As naively altruistic as it may sound, there is something exceptional about everyone that has or does or will ever exist. (I know that you are biting your tongue not to lash out and leave a harsh comment citing all the horrible people that have existed through out history and maybe even in your neighborhood)

Do not worry, I will defer all talk of philosophy to (and let me tell you, that really is the world largest sleeping aide) However, I will state that we are all children of an infinitely creative, loving, all-knowing, dynamic, charitable God and who am I to limit someone else's potential. (I dont know about you, but I am not touching that blunder with a ten foot pole!)

And so I leave you with the anticipation of the post about Saturday's date which will happen in no time flat. Hasta Luego.

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