Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Practical- inclined toward or fitted for actual work or useful activities.

Why is it what we can sometimes have such an aversion to the word practical but yet its very definition is being fitted for actual work or useful activity. When we get down to it, shouldn't that be the obvious choice in any situation? So the negative connotation might come from the fact that the practical choice is not maybe the most convenient or the most flashy or the most tasty choice. Now that I think about it, I do wish that the Brazilians were a little less practical when it came to throwing all the extra animal parts in the food because it would go to waste. But one of the most amazing parts about how practical Brazilians are ( and any other culture that is not first world) is that the trash for the week of an entire family (4+people) would fit in a couple of grocery bags! They reuse everything they can. Practical can be priceless, in this case to mother nature.

A good friend of mine recommended that her friend take pity on me and agree to spend an evening with me. I really enjoyed Sarah's company. I had Sarah show me around her home town and take me to places that she found to be influential or memorable. Whether it was an inexpensive ritual providing bonding time with friends, or a place she worked (for longer than Ive ever worked at one place) because they were accommodating to her schedule and she got to work with friends. Even her choice of transportation (aka a car) showed me that she is exceptionally "fitted for actual work or useful". Thank you Sarah for shedding your wisdom and sharing your time. Our date was in the truest sense of the word, Practically perfect.

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