Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I dont know who it was that said it or when they said it to me but it was in regard to how you know when you are good friends, if not best friends (the meaning of what a best friend is has 10,000 different means, so Ill go with whatever comes to your mind first). You've arrived at this pivotal point when you and a friend are perfectly comfortable with the absence of conversation or silence. Try it, take the time to make it awkward by not saying a thing and see if either of you feels awkward.
This cant and never should be tested on a first date, but I think that it is equally important to the strength of an immediate friendship if you and your date are able to make something out of nothing, enjoy just the company of one another. And my how I enjoyed my time, if only the conversation with Amy.
The plans I had made for the date were thwarted by the unexpected store hours of our destination. All it took to remedy that was a little dessert and the conversation flourished. We spoke most of the experiences we had while serving as full-time LDS missionaries on opposite sides of the world. What I found about Amy to be exceptional was the generosity, empathy, sincerity, and genuineness with which she served a people she could have described only a short time earlier as foreign. How blessed those people were to have the attention of such a wonderful person. How I love it when plans dont come together. Grazie Amy for your time.

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